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"Dearly beloved children of the light, as you know we are called Gabriel and as always we are most joyous to be in your divine presence. It is a time where everything is changing and evolving. You are going through quantum shifts. It is a time when you hardly know who you are. You hardly turn around and you are somebody else.

It is a time when you are integrating parts of yourselves that you did not know existed. You are integrating parts of yourselves on a multi-dimensional level. You are all becoming multi-dimensional beings. You are moving out of the illusion of the third dimension. You are in a year (at the time of this lecture) that we call the year of integration and integrity (1997). Next year will be a year that we call the year of Soul Destiny.

This year of integration is most important. The acceleration is on. The shifts are taking place. Everything that has been planned in the etheric over the last years of awakening (1992-1998) is now coming into physical manifesting. They have been prepared in the etheric gridworks and now are coming into the physical. It is now making itself manifest through the energies of spirit and the expression of the soul. You are becoming your Soul Selves. You are preparing the soul vehicle.

That is what we would like to speak to you about this evening. What is it that you need to do for yourselves personally as individuals, in order to integrate these energies and be able to realize the soul and spirit, the Holy Grail that is you. The search for the Holy Grail is over. You are it. It is the integration of the spirit body or the Holy Ghost, of the Christ Consciousness (the soul) and bringing it together into the temple of that Grail, which is the physical. So we would like to speak to you about the initiation that is coming up on your planet on September 12. It is a vortex that is opening in the Andes Mountains in Peru. At that time you will begin the energy of transformation of the Transfiguration on the Mount. It is the third planetary initiation, following the Birth and the Baptism (January 23 and March 26, 1997).

At this time of purification that you are in, you ready the physical vehicle energetically. You do this through the mental body, the emotional body in preparing the soul body for the infusion of spirit. You will be rising to the Mount of Spirit for the Transfiguration. This is happening in the physical body of each one of you. So there are things that are needed and required. We use the terms of your Christian mythology, because we are familiar with that one, being Gabriel, the messenger of the birth of the Christ Consciousness over 2000 years ago.

At this time you are activating the pineal and pituitary glands to create the rainbow bridge of light (the Arc of the Covenant) between the lower and upper brain, to begin the descent of spirit. So now it is about preparing the body. You need to have a perfected personality. That means that you must move out of duality and separation. For thousands of years you have been in a historical perspective of evolution called duality and the pairs of opposites. That belongs to a ray of consciousness, which we call the sixth ray. The Sixth Ray is the ray of the devotion to the pairs of opposites. Now in January you have moved fully into the Aquarian Age, the age of unity and oneness, bringing together that duality and moving into the Seventh Ray of consciousness, which is the Ceremonial Order of Magic.

The ray of consciousness brings in and reforms structure having to do with soul and spirit. Now you are integrating that seventh ray. You bring it into expression and manifestation through the qualities of that seventh ray. All form will be restructured through the illumination of the soul, with the rising of the kundalini energy, connecting to the rainbow bridge in the head. There are some of you who will be taking a journey to Peru for this initiation, and some of you joining in a world-wide meditation. This will be a most historic journey and you will be acting as a proxy (as you did in January to the Great Pyramid) for the planet.

So you will connect with that force of energy and bring it into the physical plane. So each of you will find the mount to meet the energies of spirit. The reason that Peru is the chosen place for this is that it is the fourth chakra of your planet Earth, her heart chakra. It is the entry to the cave of the soul. This will begin the energies' descent into matter. So in order for you to begin this you must have a prepared vehicle, able to express that spiritual energy. Because spiritual energy of its own has no differentiation and no manifestation. The way in which it expresses itself individually is through biological memory, through each of you. You are the highest form of the expression of soul and spirit in physical manifestation.

You are the highest physical expression of the God force. Now you must learn to embody that consciousness, the Christ Consciousness. Two thousand years ago simply marked an imprinting of the grids of the Earth with that archetype of energy. So the birth of Jesus was a morphogenic field of consciousness that produced an acceleration for all humanity. That was the introduction and the last 2000 years have been your assimilation of the vibrational rate to a level where you could contain that level of consciousness. Now all of the souls have come into the planet at this time for this Ascension, to fully embody that Christ Consciousness and bring it into form through the seventh ray. Out of duality and into unity. So there is a lot going on, a lot to prepare for.

It is most urgent that you use this year of 1997 for the very purpose that we have stated, as a year of integration of all of the parts of you, for the perfecting of the personality through your individuality and unity of yourselves. You must bring those elements into a perfected personality, because that is what you will use to express the illumination of the soul. In the months that remain in this year you must integrate the elements of the soul body, to prepare the cave of the soul as a vessel of individual expression.

When we say "perfected personality" we are not speaking of perfection as you have known it or thought it to be through your egos. You have looked at it through accomplishment or gratification of the ego's desires, the desires of the three lower bodies. We speak instead of rising above the ego defense system, the image of self that the personality has expressed through - moving into the soul self, the essence of self, to ready the personality to express your truth and integrity. So these are the two elements that you need to assimilate. So the perfected personality requires that you discover your truth through your individuality and your integrity through your unity.

Otherwise what will happen when this transfiguration on the mount takes place, is that all of you will be going through the death of the soul. This is where all defense systems of the ego are challenged at once. Because that is what the Christ went through in his initiations into mastery of self. All beings of light have had to go through this as they have entered into the Ascended Mastery. Each of you who are in an advance soul group has chosen to be the proxy for your planet. You have come from highly developed soul groups to reincarnate quickly for this event on your planet. You have decided through the instruction of your Oversoul to make this your incarnation where you will act as a proxy for all humankind, the example who holds the vision for your New World. You hold the consciousness of the illumination of a new dream. In order to do that, you must do it through the perfected personality of the illumined soul.

Otherwise when these spiritual energies come in, there will be so much for the systems of your body to assimilate, through the nervous system and etheric body and the seven chakras, one of two things will happen. You may feel that you are going insane, because you will access other realms of consciousness and feel that you are losing your minds. As these energies pour in on September 12 - 22, it accelerates the consciousness of the planet; therefore it accelerates the way that your brain's neurotransmission system operates. It will no longer be a bi-lateral system. It will be multi-dimensional. You are moving into a twelve dimensional system and a 12-stranded DNA. What does that mean?

People talk about at 12 stranded DNA. You are accustomed to a double stranded helix system of DNA. That system is a binary system of two strands of memory biologically. Those two strands of memory come into the DNA molecule and are instructed by the RNA. Information is encoded organically this way. It is a system that is dualistic. As you move to a 12 stranded DNA you move to a consciousness of magnetics and radiation. You move into a consciousness of light that involves a new form of electricity. That is a new form of electricity in the brain, that enables the brain to function on a multi-dimensional level, 12-dimensionally. You have to sort it all out into what you call the conscious mind. What this is doing is creating that rainbow bridge between the pineal and pituitary, from the occipital lobe to the frontal lobes, the lower brain to the higher brain. It is the opening of the third eye or the 1000 petal Lotus. As you open to the 12 strand DNA you must have a vehicle that can express this multi-dimensional consciousness. The only vehicle that can do it is the vehicle of your soul.

The soul is activated through the energy of Spirit, this new electrical energy. The soul is activated through solar energy. The soul energy is a magnetic energy. The energy of spirit is radiatory. So what is required to prepare the vehicle are the following. (1) You must be able to join together the etheric body and the physical body as one. The vibratory rate of the physical body must raise itself to meet or match the vibratory rate of the etheric body. This moves you beyond duality and into the timeless awareness of NOW. This is where you access multi-dimensional reality, through Divine Intelligence or the electrical force of Spirit. It is spiritual energy. So in order to use this new electricity and not blow out the circuits of your brain, you must raise the vibratory rate of the body. Or you will have explosions of light in the head, with misfiring of neuronal synapses. The etheric body has to be a clear channel. That also means that the physical body must be a clear channel.

In order to join these two resonances, moving out of duality into Oneness, you must practice two forms of breath. You must breathe physically to open the etheric chakra system, to bridge all the chakras. The physical breath is used to release all memory blockages in the physical body. This is the imprinting of past history. It is held in DNA, in the cellular memory on an emotional level. It is also imprinted in the etheric body holographically, with the mental memory. This is all memory, which creates certain programming in the physical and etheric bodies, which keep you in duality and linear time. You then continue to recycle what you call evolution. Evolution is simply a process of cycles of birth and death. They keep repeating themselves endlessly based on the programs of the DNA.

Through breath you begin to release this memory from this present life and past lives. As you use the kundalini breath and yogic breaths you release the energy constrictions in the physical body. You must also practice what we call etheric breathing. This is different in that it is breathing through energy. It is realizing the movement of flow, the in flow and out flow of energy through your etheric chakra system. So you must become sensitized to this movement of energy, the magnetics and radiatory force of your etheric body. That will bring about the integration of the etheric and the physical body.

(2) You must be able to master the radiatory force of the four elements: earth, air, fire and water within the physical body. You will do that through the process of the restoring of the main organs of the body to perfect health. You do this through your breath as well. They are necessary for the main chakras to be the vehicles for the consciousness of the soul and spirit. The lungs, the brain, the spleen, the heart, and the generative organs. Through restoring them with breath and clearing the emotional and mental imprints, you clear yourself of linear time and prepare the soul vehicle.

(3) You must be able to penetrate the seven levels of the astral realm with the physical. They must inter-penetrate. Then there is no barrier. That means that you must break down the barrier between the dream world and the physical world. Your sleeping consciousness is really your entry into the astral realm. So the integration of these realms is important. It is another step to prepare the soul body.

(4) You must bring the rhythmic systems of the body into a state of non-movement. In the Universe the only place that there is truly movement that involves distance or linear time is in your physical realm. This involves a state of being of total stillness. That stillness brings all the rhythmic systems of the body into a motionless, rhythmic harmony. That harmony enables you to use the will of spirit to leave the physical vehicle to travel anywhere you want. It also enables you to control the atomic structure of matter. You can then take all of the atoms of your body and transport them instantaneously from one state or dimension to another, one place to another. You won't need your vehicles of transportation. Now this is obviously an ideal state, but we bring them up because it is your purpose in this time of evolution, total Oneness with all creation. This is how you are preparing.

As you prepare for this Oneness, you connect with the Soul of the Universe, the Solar Heart. You connect with all creation, the Mind of God.

(5) Another thing that is necessary is the total integration of the lower three vehicles, the physical, the emotional and mental into the upper vehicles of soul and spirit. It requires opening certain etheric chakras, the throat chakra for instance. It requires opening the solar vehicle, the solar plexus. That is the seat of the soul. It will be expressed there through the personality. Right now it is used as the center of the ego defense system. That is why it is shut down in most of you. This process also requires the opening of the heart chakra and the third eye. They are the expressed vehicles of the soul body. The throat chakra is the expressed vehicle of the spiritual body that interprets the energies that come in through the crown chakra. They are interpreted through the Rainbow Bridge.

We keep talking about this bridge, because it is the place of integration of the languages of light into the physical consciousness. So the third eye and the heart must connect the bridge to integrate the soul. The throat opens you to fifth-dimensional consciousness of spirit, to infuse that energy that comes in through the crown. This energy will be coming in on September 12 for ten days. It is coming in through the heart chakra of the planet, because it must come in there to be integrated into the solar plexus.

So the most important etheric chakras that you must all open are the solar plexus, the heart, the throat and the third eye. Then all of that has to be brought in through the seventh ray of consciousness to be given form. This will prepare the soul through magic, through illumination, through revelation and the integration of psychic and intuitive abilities. The psychic abilities are about the transformation of the lower three vehicles, the physical, the emotional and the lower mental. The intuitional energies are accessed above that in the heart, the throat and the the third eye.

This will all then be grounded into the second chakra, the sacral center of the body.

Then you will gradually raise the kundalini energy along the spine. This is the expression of the creative force in the physical, joining the soul. The kundalini flows from the base of the spine, connects with the occipital lobe at the base of the skull, joining the spiritual energies coming in through the crown, interpreted through the bridge of light becoming consciousness in the third eye and finally begin to move down the front of the chakra system. This will be the breaking of the seven seals of the chakras. This is reported in your Book of Revelations in your Bible. This is the opening of the seals of the chakras, bringing the God force as a Heaven on Earth.

What good is all of this if you have no way to express it? It is only some amorphous thing. You contain a soul that is not conscious and it needs something to activate it. What activates it is the bridge in the solar plexus, heart and throat. The heart activates the soul through the expression of the perfected personality. Your individuality through your truth and integrity.

Certain qualities of the personality must be developed. You do that through the use of will. Your generating energies of the will. Your truth is embodied through the expression of your will, your strength, your stability, your balance, your commitment, your motivation, your principles, your perseverance and your trust. They are all developed through the sustaining energies of your integrity that build the sense of self. These are the female energies, the unity energies. They include your receiving side, your receptivity, your grace, your neutrality, your intention, your detachment, your patience, your values, your openness and your surrender (your least favorite). Truth can only be integrated through integrity, being the balance of the male and the female within each of you. This is how you embody your individuality.

That is what the year of 1997 is all about, the development of the perfected personality as preparation for the soul body. This is how you use the differentiated energies of spirit to express the God force as an individual in total unity. So this is what is required to prepare you for this third initiation, the Transfiguration on the Mount.

So what is going to happen to people who don't know this information, who don't have a clue. What will happen is that the world will split quite literally into two halves. One half will be trying to hold onto the struggle of duality and separation. They will be in control, manipulation and defense, morality, judgment, blame, ambivalence, the scheduling of pain and pleasure, the gratification of desire and shame. These are the generating energies of duality and separation. These maintain the ego defense structure of your world. Your world is based upon that duality of linear time and space with an ego defense system. This is the 3-D that you have known for two thousand years. It is all based on survival and resistance and fear. Anger, rage, hostility, greed, intimidation will be that half of the world. They will try to maintain the old structures of duality. What those of you who are unconscious will experience is the breakdown of all form that is in duality, not in integrity and truth. (This is the balance of the two sides, giving and receiving, male and female.)

You cannot integrate that which is in duality, because it is based on separation through fear. The old systems will fall apart. Because the energies that are coming into the planet cannot sustain those energies. It is tremendously dense energy that is required to sustain duality. Your gravitational fields are maintained through polarities of north and south, east and west. That polarization maintains your density. As you begin to shift, so do your poles, your gravitational field. The opening of the vortex in January in the Great Pyramid was an activation of the pole shift that will take place in 2012 on your planet. It is done through the Great Pyramid, because it was build to maintain the Earth on its axis. Then when this shift takes place the Earth will not wobble off its axis. You see, the Earth's soul body is being prepared as well. You are the microcosm of the macrocosm.

The reason that these activations are taking place at the various sacred sites around the world is because they are the chakras of your Earth. You who travel to those places connect with the frequency and vibration of those chakras. We have people who say, "well, Gabriel, those are very interesting theories." But those of you who went to Egypt in January experienced something very interesting taking place and that your planet has shifted a great deal since. The activations took place on the Nile, which represents the spine. So the kundalini energy has begun to move up that spine integrating the chakra system. This was the preparation for the Arc of the Covenant opening, creating the rainbow bridge. Now you are going into the next activation, receiving the energies of spirit.

So you are preparing and perfecting the personality. You are needed to stand in the power of One, in your individuality, to be able to be the expression of that Christ Consciousness. So you must be able to contain that vibratory rate for that activation to take place. You will then come down off the mount, bringing the spiritual energies back into the physical. This is represented in the energies coming down from the rainbow bridge in the head along the front of the chakra system, breaking the seven seals. It will finally be anchored into the Solar Heart, the connection of the solar plexus and the heart. It will change the entire vibratory rate of your body, the nervous system. You can then integrate the Light Body.

You are then the expression of soul and spirit, the body of God/Goddess in the physical.

So we take your most joyous leave. And we remind you as always, as you are able to remember to love one another."





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