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"Empowered At Last" with Ron Baker


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Ron Baker

Ron Baker is an author, a self-empowerment coach, international teacher, Reiki Master, counselor and healing practitioner. Before pursuing a career in the healing arts, he was very successful as a performing artist - acting in over 60 leading roles in film and on Broadway and opera stages around the world. His life is now dedicated to educating and inspiring others to tap deeper layers of personal potential and self-empowerment.

Ron with James, a sweet friend from Wales

Some thoughts from Ron:

I am happy to share some thoughts about my life... The longer that I am on this path of healing, the more I realize that it is the sharing of our humanity with one another that creates the greatest healing.

I grew up in small towns in NC for most of my life. Right from the beginning, I had a passion for learning and adventure, with a desire to do everything possible - focused mostly in music, gymnastics, academics, performing and riding horses.

Though at the time I perceived my life as a happy one, I grew up in a home that included alcoholism and divorce. Like most, I grew up with people who were in pain and did not know how to share their feelings honestly and intimately. It was a home where everyone did the best they could. However, the problem was that none of us knew a better way.

(And I am happy to share that each one in my family is now on a unique, conscious path of healing and development. They even get involved in the process offered at Children of Light from time to time.)

In addition to challenges in my family, nothing made sense about the world as it was being presented. There were so many unanswered questions. Examples include, "Why does this person live only a short while and another lives so long?" "Why did I get lucky and get born into what I am being told is the best country, the 'right' religion, the best this and that?" "What do you mean that this insures that I will get into heaven and all of those other people are not so lucky." I began to rebel inside and so my life became a search for deeper answers and something more.

As I prepared for college, there were two primary areas that interested me: healing and performing. So I began college as a double major in pre-med and the performing arts. The plan in my head was that I would continue to enjoy the arts, but would become a medical doctor. However, my life has rarely gone according to plans...

I have always been one to follow my heart and intuition. It soon became clear that the Universe was opening doors that were leading me further into the performance world. So I followed. I finished my undergrad work at Baylor University and then continued to receive two post-graduate degrees, a MM (Masters) and an AD (doctorate in performance) at the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music.

After graduating, I was offered an apprenticeship with the San Francisco Opera. From there, I began a performing career that took me all over the world. I continued in the world of singing and acting for ten years, performing over 60 leading roles. I was fortunate to sing on stages from the Bolshoi Opera in Moscow to Lincoln Center in New York to a couple of Broadway favorites - performing Javert in "Les Miserables" and the title role in "Phantom."

During the years of my performing, there were other opportunities opening in my life. As I would travel, I would find myself in opportunities to study with many types of healers. Little did I know that my travels around the world would put me in an education of many different healing modalities, as well as being exposed to many different cultures. In that time, I worked with many wonderful, loving people - including shamans, Reiki practitioners, kahunas and more.

Other developments led me into further exploration of the healing that I thought I left behind in college. I first became aware of an ability called being parasympathetic. For those who aren't familiar with this term, it simply means that a person has the ability to feel things that are going on in others in an acute way. For instance, whenever my family would get sick or hurt I would feel the symptoms in my body no matter how far away they were. This happened once when my mother had a ruptured stomach ulcer in NC. I felt the pain so acutely that I fell out of my desk in Cincinnati.

These things were a bit unsettling, but proved to be one more thing that would lead me to what I consider my soul destiny. What it was beginning to show me is that we are all connected. We all have a capacity to tune in and feel one another, if we are willing to move beyond our defense and separation into a deeper intimacy with life. As I began to contain my energy, I learned that I have choices. And one of those enhancing choices is that when I work with people, I can tune into their bodies and help them understand where the energy is moving as a life force and where it is blocked. As people become aware of their own energy, they are empowered to make clearer choices for their own enhancement.

In 1990, my career brought me to my debut in New York. One week after arriving, I was on a bus and heard someone talking about meditation and metaphysics. I went to the person and said, "I don't know who you are, but I know that I am supposed to talk to you." It turns out that this man was Robert Baker, who was just beginning to deepen aspects of his healing journey as well. And it seems that he, too, had been on a lifelong search for deeper answers and peace of mind. And it was later that year that he began channeling Archangel Gabriel, which put us in the deepest education and personal healing of our lives - and the time when the answers we had been seeking all along began to fall into place.

So a return to healing fast became the priority in my life. Though I had already begun to work with people as a healing practitioner, it was in 1996 that I put my career in the performing arts aside to become a full-time healing practitioner. Little did I know that I had been preparing for a career in the healing arts all along - only not in the conventional way I had begun to pursue.

These are the events and synchronicities that eventually led to the creation of Children of Light.

Robert and I spent over ten years studying and working with Gabriel to put together the uniquely powerful system that we now teach - a process of personal healing and self-empowerment. I am constantly excited and inspired by how it enhances our own lives and the lives of others in dramatic and powerful ways. After attending a recent Prophet's Conference with some of the great minds of science and psychology, we were more affirmed than ever that Gabriel has taught us a process that allows an understanding of energy and science, brought together in an integrative way that connects spirit and science as we open to our rising soul energies.

We have now had the opportunity to share this information with thousands of people in various parts of the world. We have also been leading groups to sacred sites around the globe since 1997, connected to the seven initiations of Ascension or planetary healing that we are now experiencing. These adventures have provided one more way for us to share our piece of the healing puzzle. Another recent expansion of sharing this information includes the fact that I have begun to write some of the layers of all that we have been learning and experiencing.

For instance, my first book, Revelations for a Healing World, received wonderful reception and reviews. It has now sold out its second printing, so I am in a process of doing a second edition, due out in 2009 (I hope). I have also written a book about the remarkable final two weeks my family had to spend with our mother before her passing. The way she lived was inspiring, as well as the way she left this physical world. I also found that we were able to bridge during her time of transition - so that in meditation I was able to perceive exactly what she was experiencing! She would wake up and confirm this every time...another remarkable affirmation of the connection of physical and spirit. That book is called "Serenity: A Loving Journey of Transition."

In all that I have had the chance to experience, I am happy to share that life finally makes sense to me...it makes remarkable sense. As a matter of fact, the more I learn at this point, the more I am in awe of the privilege that life can be.

So these are some thoughts about my life - a life that has been rich with adventure, love and healing. Thanks for sharing a bit of my story. Hopefully one day we will have the opportunity to touch hearts.

Blessings to you all!



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