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Hello, everyone. We are excited about offering this segment of Children of Light - because we feel it is vital to begin to pay close attention to events as they are occurring in the world around us. (At this point, after this opening introduction you will find ONE article. We will continue this important series as soon as possible.)

It is important to educate ourselves about how each event fits into the bigger picture of a world attempting to move through a birth canal - into soul consciousness.

For the last two thousand years we have been in a particular stage of our personal and planetary evolution. Though we have in many ways brought ourselves to very high levels of development of the human personality and the mental body, it is quite clear that WE NEED SOMETHING MORE. Things are not complete or even comfortable in the grand scope of our potential.

We are a world that has been deep in survival consciousness, marked primarily by choices of defense and separation. Chances are we can see these choices clearly as they are acted out in the world around us - between countries or religions or races and even between the sexes. However, what we need to begin to understand is that these outer manifestations are only in place because they reflect the defense and separation of each one of us as individuals.

Take a moment to examine your own life.

Once we take the time to actually look, it is usually rather easy to find symptoms of fear, defense and separation. Perhaps you can even begin to see how you have acted out in defense when you have felt what you considered to be a threat - even from the actions of those you love. We have learned by example and have remained in these limiting choices throughout our recorded history.

This level of survival consciousness has left us with MANY questions unanswered. It has left us with very few tools for dealing with our own feelings, fears and limitations. It has left us believing we must control and defend ourselves from those around us. What we many not have realized is that what we are defending really is our inability to deal with our own feelings. All someone else can actually do by their words and actions is trigger and reveal the internal fears we need to face if we are going to be able to move out of survival and tap the next layers of our infinite potential.

However, we are now becoming more aware than ever in the world around us that these choices lead to devastation and deeper fear. This is due to the fact that our survival consciousness has left us believing we can actually create safety by controlling, changing and sometimes even destroying those who are triggering our fears!

This will never work - but there are clear "soul-u-tions!"

The purpose of this page is to introduce a series of articles that will allow us to go directly to the source of our personal and planetary healing.

In the next months we will introduce many concepts that we ask you to consider. We will begin with some necessary introductions about how to apply events into a larger context, so that we do not get so caught up or lost in the details of the events themselves. We will share ways for cutting through to the essence of what is taking place, revealing how each one of us and each event is playing a vital role in this time of change.

We will eventually introduce specifics about what is going on behind the scenes of many of these events (according to Gabriel and a number of other sources that we are happy to have seen emerging) - such as agendas that are being masked by events of fear and control. However, we are most interested in ultimately offering ways that you can move through the fear of change, as well as how to tap the power of the energy of change to create something new (not to repeat the same old fearful choices).

We obviously see great validity in the ideas we are presenting. Many of them have been passed on to us by Gabriel. We now have twelve years of experience with Gabriel, who has been astoundingly consistent and accurate in educating us about what would be taking place in the world, so that we would be prepared to respond. We are simply amazed that it is all happening so quickly - and if Gabriel continues to be accurate, unprecedented change and acceleration have only begun!

We also want to point out that Gabriel has been careful to say that our planet's shift into "something more" is entirely up to each one of us. Only by learning how to tap and trust the POWER OF ONE will we bring our world into the light of a new day. That simply means that this deeper potential cannot rise and prevail in our transition and evolution if we merely repeat the same survival choices of fear and defense, just because they are familiar.

We encourage you to share any thoughts or questions that you might have as we begin this educational sharing. One of the healthiest things we all need to do more fully is to begin sharing and to begin listening to one another. This is vital, as we learn to work through the feelings that are rising from within.

So without any more introduction, we will begin.

We encourage you to read the articles IN THE ORDER they are presented. Many concepts will not be repeated from one article to the next and what has come previously may be quite necessary in getting a complete picture of things in later articles. We also encourage you to share these articles with your friends. It is becoming more and more imperative that we educate ourselves and take the time to encourage others to do the same!

Blessings to all...


Article ONE: "Growing from ME consciousness to US consciousness"



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